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SMS Text Message Opt-In OR Opt-out

When you opt-in to receiving SMS text message we may send text messages to you to update you about your horse show entries, entry and class schedule changes, invoice download / payment links, and other information that is very important to you.   This is important time-sensitive information you need to receive as quickly as possible.  SMS text messages are much more reliable than email.

When you provide your text number by submitting the form on this page (selecting the "Opt-In" option) or by submitting an entry to a horse show through the online show entry submission wizard at you opt-in to receiving SMS text messages.

Notification messages/alerts are typically sent to inform you of important scheduling changes related to your activity and entries in the horse show.  If you are a participant in an active horse show you agree to receiving multiple (possibly more than 10) SMS messages per day during the show.  The number of messages you receive is directly related to the number of classes entered, weather / on-site conditions at the show, and your own activity and text / communication at the horse show.

We may occasionally send you two factor authentication codes (2FA) in order to validate and secure access to your accounts at,, and

We do NOT send any marketing or other spam-like or other irritating junk SMS messages.  We do NOT share your contact information with any external entities.

You can opt-in or opt-out of SMS text communications by:

IMPORTANT: Opting out of SMS messages will prevent you from receiving important time-sensitive information about your horse show entries which will be to your distinct disadvantage.

Click here to review our Privacy Policy

Opt-In OR Opt-Out of SMS messages
SMS Text Notification - Opt-In / Opt-out:
Complete and submit this form to opt-in OR opt-out of receiving SMS notifications from Timeslice Technologies Corporation and its affilatied sites and
I want to opt-in OR opt-out of receiving SMS messages at this number
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